Fabio Formosa
- 00101000 (41y)
- Pisa, Tuscany, Italy
- Software Engineer
- Coding, futsal, coffee
- To photograph, Chopin, Dance with wolves
- Spotify, Netflix, A motorbike to get lost in the Tuscany land
Graduated cum laude in Computer Science at the University of Pise, since 2009 I've been designing and developing enterprise architectures, mainly Java.
I am currently Tech Lead in Dedagroup Stealth, software house of the popular ERP, tailored for the fashion&luxury companies. I deal with re-engineering and innovation of the product by applying cloud technologies.
In the past, I was a product team leader in Kiunsys, an emerging startup in the smart cities & urban mobility market, for which I designed and developed one of the first platforms, in Italy, for paying parking by mobile phones.
Finally, a short experience as freelance enriches my career.
Since the beginning of my career, I've been working with the most eminent italian brands such as Kering Group (Gucci, YSL, Bottega Veneta, Balenciaga, ...), Salvatore Ferragamo, Fater Group (Lines, Pampers), Zanichelli and international partnership such as Deutsche Telekom.
As developer, I'm used to working in full-stack mode on microservice architectures, in cloud, with kubernetes clusters. I master Java and Spring for the backend side, I'm able to use Angular or React for the frontend side. I master Terraform (specifically over AWS cloud), docker, the jenkins pipelines. In the past, I've had a brief experience with NodeJs.I really love tech talks. I gave a speech for the Tuscany Coder Group of which I was part, and two others open to all colleagues of the Deda Group.
I often watch streaming of dev conf and when I can also in presence.
Job Experiences
Lead Developer 2017 - now
I am part of the Team "Architectures" with the mission of innovating "Stealth, the fashion platform", the ERP adopted by the most prestigious fashion brands: Gucci, Prada, Ferragamo, Yves Saint Laurent, Bottega Veneta, Armani, etc.
Since 2020, as a tech leader, I have been working at the re-engineering of the platform for a transition towards the SaaS model in cloud.
In 2019, as lead developer, I worked at a technological porting of a shop floor management sw, from a monolith to a microservice architecture, for a client.
In 2018 I designed & developed a module for the management of Supply Chain in order to detect waste and minimize inefficiencies, in the lifecycle of the leather transformation, from raw materials into high fashion shoes and accessories. I created a leather tracking platform, that made significant savings for the customer, based on QR Codes, barcode scanners and Zebra portable printers .
Since the introduction of smart working, I am used to reporting daily in an international development team, in which Agile is applied remotely in a disciplined way.
I develop mainly in Java/Spring for backend, Kafka, Angular or React for the frontend. I design the Jenkins pipelines for the CI/CD, the release strategies and I master the IaC techniques (terraform / AWS) for the setup of kubernetes clusters.
In the past I also had a short experience on MERN stacks (Mongo, Express, React, NodeJs).
I also deal with technical onboarding for new team members, training for other colleagues and scouting for new technologies.
Since 2018 I am Scrum Fundamental Certified. -
Freelancer 2016-2017
Software Engineer
In 2016-17 I undertook a freelancer experience. I developed and launched two services online in two different contexts.
Minosselex is a management system designed for law firms. For its design and development, I collaborated with lawyers and legal experts.
I founded the project, developed the platform (MVP) and contributed to the drafting of the business plan to be submitted to sector investors.
In its 3 years of life, with Minosselex more than 600 registered users have managed 1300 files and 5300 procedural deadlines.
Today Minosselex is no longer online and the domain has been dismissed. There remains a personal staging version for demonstration purposes:
http://minosselex-test.fabioformosa.it/appDilloconunbarattolo is a creative and unique platform of its kind. It is an e-commerce in the field of digital craftsmanship.
The idea was inspired by the happiness jar project of the writer Elizabeth Gilbert, author of the best-seller "Eat, Pray, Love".
Gilbert tells, in a facebook post dated August 2013, of her habit of writing the happiest moment of the day on a piece of paper every day and collecting all the cards in a jar.
With dilloconunbarattolo users order a personalized jar in 3 steps: writing the notes through an online editor, choosing the jar decoration and finalizing the shipment by courier.
In its 3 years of life, dilloconunbarattolo has distributed handmade jars throughout Italy.
Today dilloconunbarattolo is a closed project and the domain has been dismissed. A staging version remains for personal portfolio for demonstration purposes:
http://dilloconunbarattolo-test.fabioformosa.it/composer/ -
Development Team Leader 2013 - giu 2016
INES Cloud is a project that has involved me from 2013 to 2016 as a lead developer and I followed from the first commit to production for 3 different customers. I collected the specs, designed the platform and, together with other team members, developed it (java backend, frontend, in part even mobile).
With INES Cloud I had the opportunity to learn how to manage the project roadmap, participate in the selection of hiring prpcess and apply internationalization techniques to roll out the platform in two different European countries (beyond Italy).
I approached horizontal scalability issues by experimenting with technologies such as chefs and dockers, orchestrated by Jenkins. For the integration of webservices, I have been able to collaborate with Cisco and Deutsche Telekom development departments.INES Cloud is a management system designed for urban mobility companies through which access and parking permits can be issued in Limited Traffic Areas, paid parking by mobile apps, sanctioning non-regular vehicles, and monitoring the state of occupancy of road stalls through a network of sensors.
Technologies used: Spring 4.2 (IoC, MVC, Boot, Security, Integration, AOP), Hibernate, ActiveMQ, Apache CXF, Apache Camel, AngularJS, RequireJS, Bootstrap, Maven, CAS Server, Docker, Chef, Jenkins, Amazon AWS.
Senior Java Developer 2009 - 2013
Liberologico Srl - ICT Solutions - Pise
Liberologico was my "get started" in the Spring + Hibernate + Maven application stack.
Over the years, I've been doing more important tasks and responsibilities until I become a senior developer.
I learned how to model DB using CASE tools (eg Visual Paradigm), TDD coding technique, application server (Tomcat), Service Bus (Fuse ESB) on ActiveMQ queues, and using one of the first precursors of javascript framework DojoJS.
I worked for customers as Fater spa (Lines and Pampers), Zanichelli spa and Panini spa, for the last one I fully realized the first version of the app android Comix (more than 45,000 downloads on Google Play and almost 5 stars).
In Liberologico I contributed to the development of M3P proprietary CRM to create marketing campaigns and profiling of their consumers through gamification.
Enabled to the Italian Engineer Register March 2010
Engineer Association - Pise
Enabling awarded upon passing of State Examination.
Master degree in Computer Science 2009
University of Pise
Master degree in Computer Science,
grade 110 magna cum laude. -
CISCO CCNA Course 2004
Cisco Networking Academy
Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certifies the ability to install, configure and troubleshoot route, switched networks, WAN.
Degree in Computer Science 2003
University of Pise
Degree in Computer Science,
grade 110 magna cum laude
INeS Cloud
Tech LeadKiunsys SrlINeS is a suite of software modules oriented to smart mobility and smart parking. Through INeS is possibile to manage and to sell park tickets, to issue access permits in restricted areas, to apply sanctions at vehicles, to monitor flow sensors and park sensors.
I designed the re-engineering of the legacy platform.
I created a new Java EE project that solved tackling scalability and security issues and that was modular and pluggable.
I applied Spring-Security Framework for authentication and authorization, with CAS Integration module to interface the opensource single sign-on service (Jasig CAS Server).
For frontend components I adopted AngularJS, RequireJS and Bootstrap as graphic layout. -
Senior DeveloperLiberologico SrlERMES is a management system ordered by third party companies working in tannery industry. Through ERMES is possible to record the working activities carried out in factory, to track flows of production batches, to monitor process costs and maintenance on equipment, to analyze performance indicators to evaluate the competitiveness, the efficiency and the financial reliability.
In ERMES project, I followed the whole developing cycle: spec harvest, data modelling, implementation, test and trial. I dealt with backend and frontend. I employed MVC client-side with Dojo Framework.
Today, I'm the only manager for customer, I provide help desk support and upgrade service. -
Junior DeveloperLiberologico SrlThrough M3P a comany can create marketing campaigns and profile own consumers. Basing on gamification concept, the platform allows to handle contests with prizes over several participation channels (SMS, IVR, web site, facebook, mobile app).
On viewpoint of DEM (Direct Email Marketing), it's possibile to send communications to consumers grouped by cluster, on the basis of behavioral criteria of consumption.Developing M3P, I got used to queues (ActiveMQ) and to ESB (Apache ServiceMix). I designed data model using the CASE tool Visual Paradigm. I deepened the app stack: Spring Framework / Hibernate / Maven.
Stay hungry, stay foolishSpeech by Steve Jobs at Stanford University
I'm not part of that sect of fanatics that Steve Jobs is a god or a saint.
However, I have seen so many times the speech of Steve held at Stanford University, in 2005, to know it by heart.
- And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle [...] stay hungry, stay foolish.
- It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" And whenever the answer has been "No" for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.
- Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new
Achieving Your Childhood DreamsRandy Pausch Last Lecture | Carniege Mellon University
A mocking destiny unites the life of Randy Paush to that of Steve Jobs
Randy was a computer scientist in USA. He was a professor at the University Virgin at first, then an engineer for Electronic Arts (EA), and Walt Disney, then a consultant for Google.In 2007 He had a pancreas cancer diagnosed. He died a year later at the age of 48 years
"The last lecture" held at Carnegie University is his testament. The video lasts more than an hour, but well worth it to watch it!
- I’m dying and I’m having fun. And I’m going to keep having fun every day I have left. Because there’s no other way to play it.
- the brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. Because the brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough. They’re there to stop the other people.
- Do not complain. Work harder. Do not give up. The best of the gold’s at the bottom of barrels of crap
I photograph for fun. Nothing more.
"Your first 10000 photographs are your worst"
- Henri Cartier Bresson